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3 Reasons to Invest in Ductwork Insulation

December 15, 2017
Man Wearing Red Shirt Fixing the Insulation — Travelers Rest, SC — Guy M Beaty Co

You need to properly heat and cool your commercial or industrial space so that you can maintain the comfort of your building. While most business owners know that their building envelope needs to be properly insulated, few take the time to consider how insulation in other areas can also be beneficial.

One of the most important areas that you can install insulation is around your building's ductwork. Insulation around your air ducts can help you improve the efficiency of your heating and cooling systems and help you reduce overhead spending by keeping operating costs low.

Here are three reasons why you should opt to add insulation to your building's ductwork in the near future.

1. Reduced Energy Costs

Many business have challenges in finding ways to stay profitable in today's competitive marketplace. When you make the choice to add insulation to your building's air ducts, you can increase the efficiency of your heating and cooling systems. Insulation helps the air being transported from your furnace or air conditioner to various parts of your building to remain a constant temperature.

Air will not become hotter or start to cool down while traveling through your air ducts when you insulate your ductwork. This means that the air delivered throughout your building will help to keep rooms a more comfortable temperature without increasing the running time of your heating and cooling appliances.

Reduced run times mean a reduction in the amount of energy consumed, allowing you to keep your monthly utility costs as low as possible.

2. Reduced Leakage

One of the primary factors that can contribute to the ineffectiveness of your building's HVAC system is leaks within your air ducts. Leaks allow heated or cooled air to escape from your air ducts during transit, meaning that this heated or cooled air cannot arrive at its final destination to help maintain a comfortable temperature throughout your building.

When your air ducts are leaking, your heating and cooling systems will have to work harder to keep temperatures constant. Insulated ductwork can help you prevent air leaks from plaguing your ducts in the future.

The insulation will shield your ducts from environmental factors that could cause damage, allowing them to remain structurally sound so that heated or cooled air can be delivered throughout your building efficiently.

3. Reduced Condensation

You probably keep maintaining proper air quality within your building a top priority. When the quality of your air building's air is compromised, employees and customers could be plagued by respiratory illnesses.

Condensation within your air ducts forms when cooled air passes through warmer sections of your building and when warm air travels through areas where the temperature surrounding your ducts is cool. This condensation can lead to the formation of mold, which compromises the quality of your building's indoor air.

The choice to add insulation to your air ducts will help you to buffer the heated or cooled air traveling through your ductwork from exterior temperatures. This will help to reduce the creation of condensation and mold that might cause problems in your air ducts in the future.

Making sure that your building is properly insulated is critical when it comes to improving the performance of your commercial or industrial space. Insulation for your ductwork can help you reduce excess energy consumption, eliminate air leaks, and reduce condensation levels to prevent mold from compromising your indoor air quality.

Don’t wait any longer to take advantage of insulation for your ductwork.  Consult  with the professionals at Guy M. Beaty Co., Inc. to identify any additional benefits you will enjoy when you add insulation to your building's HVAC system.

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